Traditionally, horoscopes are compared by placing the pair’s Moon at the center stage. Then, multiple pieces of information are ascertained of the Moons. This method can be expanded to other planets by assessing the compatibility between the qualities represented by the planets. Nevertheless, the Moons are the core of compatibility, and if they are all right, the relationship has potentials; and when the other planets are not in harmony, they will cause tension. In contrast, if all the planets are all right except for the Moon, then the relationship will be problematic on all levels, and eventually it will cause dissatisfaction.
The beauty of Vedic compatibility is that it is based on a deep understanding of the male/female dynamics that is a part of all human relationships. When studying and using such techniques, they will enable one to understand how men and women get along.
When compatibility isn’t considered in the framework of marriage or romance, but in a different type of partnership, then it is pivotal to characterize that karaka planet that is most related to the partnership type. In this case, that person will be the ‘man’ in the relationship, who leads, initiates or makes final decisions, while the other person will be considered the ‘woman’.
Traditional Kutas will be calculated for each planet, not only for the Moon. While the Moon is the most important, the Kutas of other planets will signify those territories, where the pair is more or less compatible. In case of each Kuta, exceptions will also be taken into account, without which Kutas couldn’t be used effectively.
Kuta analysis
A complex Kuta (fitting) analysis examines if there are obstacles in the pair’s energy flow. The most important Kutas are Vedha, Rajju (Rope) and Stri-Deergha. If any of these is blemished, it will result in serious flaws in the relationship. If Rajju, Nadi or Rasi kuta do not match, there could still be exceptions present that would fend off ensuing difficulties; in this case the relationship will still have flaws, but they can be worked out. If Stri-Deergha does not fit, but the Rasi kuta exception is present, then Stri-Deergha may be all right.
Besides the proper energy flow, high energy voltage is also needed. This will be determined by the total score of the 8 kutas. The higher the score, the more similar are the ‘tastes’. This will ensure strong compromising ability, mutually bringing the feeling that what they receive is good. An average score is 17, while 20 or more is ideal.
If the Moons fit well, the pair will relate to each other in such a way that love can flow in between them and they can develop to their advantage. Karmic and relationship factors will determine to what extent this potential can be fulfilled. When the Moons don’t fit well with each other, the pair will find their joint life difficult and their life force will be disharmonious. There’s not much they can do about it: they should accept that their energies sometimes collide. They can consciously try to amend the flow, but occasionally they will fall behind into their natural, disruptive behavour, especially at times of stress or fatigue.
Compatibility (Kuta) summary table sample:
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